If you don’t follow Abbie from M is for Mama on Instagram, you need to. Stop everything and go do it right now! She is inspiring. From her beautiful home to her beautiful family… you will find inspiration and be uplifted. She is a mom to 7, soon to be 8! sweet kiddos. Her and her husband built their home recently and they have done an amazing job on every detail. Go check her out at her Blog and on Instagram.
Here is an little intro from Abbie and what she had to say about Christmas in her home:
I’m a huge bargain-hunter. It’s a thrill for me to find something beautiful for pennies on the dollar. And my Christmas decor is no exception. Take my 9 foot, fancy-pants $400 tree that I scored online on maaaaaajor clearance after Christmas last year for…$75. Whut?!
I love decorating for Christmas with a mix of thrifted and clearance finds that incorporate neutrals with colors and bright, shiny bling with warm, cozy textures. I guess you could call my style eclectic? Whatever it is, it’s not terribly traditional, and I’m okay with that. I love all things blue-green with an especial emphasis on teal, so you’ll see that theme repeated throughout my home during Christmastime and beyond. My favorite Christmassy thing to decorate with is trees. I love their symbolism and beauty and the life that they represent.
I don’t decorate seasonally much for any other time but Christmas, but I’ve come to love setting out the nativity and arranging the ornaments on the tree with my kids. Celebrating the joy of the Savior’s birth is such a privilege each year, and I genuinely feel like creating an atmosphere in my home of special expectation and hope during this particular season helps both me and the kids to keep our eyes on Jesus, the greatest gift of Christmas.
Click HERE to see the next home on our tour!
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