For the longest time I would ask other moms, older and wiser than me, how they knew when they were done having kids. Was is a personal choice? A medical reason? Their spouse saying they were done? A spiritual feeling? CUZ REALLY what I wanted to know was, “How will I know when I am done having kids?”
Well, it’s been a few factors for me and I have come to the conclusion that we definitely all have our own path to travel down and no ones reason is the same. You’ll find that answer. I think we should talk more about this later… I have more to say on this topic. Ha! But, for now I can tell you we have officially decided that phase in life is done for us. It’s bittersweet to sum it up.
It’s bittersweet and also a bit exciting. Now we just get to focus on raising these sweet babies and just worry about having fun with them. AND I can celebrate this change in life by finally getting one of those cool mom pieces of jewelry with my kids birthstones on it! So that’s a nice bonus! I’m jumping on that train! It’s kinda like I just graduated or joined a cool new club.
Now, first of all you should know that I am not a big jewelry person. AT ALL. I love my wedding ring and I have a few sentimental necklaces or earrings that I love. I don’t wear a lot of jewelry and I prefer that the piece means something to me if I do. So when I heard there was an online jewelry retailer that lets you custom design your ring with the help of a professional jeweler through TEXT MESSAGES, I was excited to jump on board and create a meaningful piece to celebrate my new phase in life.
1. Who is this Jewelry company and how did it come about?
Luvari Jewelry is an online company that specializes in fine jewelry that YOU can customize and design. The owner started the company after searching for an engagement ring for his girlfriend (now wife). He wanted to be able to design a one of a kind ring just for her. He wasn’t finding a place where he could do this that was affordable, high quality, and easy to work with. So in the process of creating a ring for his lady he also decided to build a business that could help other people do this same thing. Genius.
2. How are they different from other online jewelry stores?
You get assigned a personal jeweler that you get to TEXT! You send them ideas, they text you back to let you know the prices, and what will work or won’t. Prices start at around $500 and may vary with complexity and design. This is an amazing price for such a high quality custom piece of jewelry. Luvari also offers volume discounts for larger or corporate orders. The personal jewelers can give you ideas and help you brainstorm your idea until it is just right. Then – what’s even more amazing is they have special technology they use to send you a hyper-realistic rendering of your ring. You can see exactly what it will look like before you decide to have it made. You’ll get a free quote and a world class design.
3. How was my experience?
ONE WORD: EASY. This might have been the easiest thing I did this month. Between running kids around town and changing a million diapers, I sent texts to my personal jeweler who then did all the hard work. We went back and forth through texts about what I wanted the ring to look like, sizing, colors, and placement. Then they would send me some quick renderings of the ring. After a few minor tweaks my design was ready and I was sent a high end, super realistic 3D rendering of exactly what my ring would look like. No joke it looked real. I’ll share a picture of the rendering below this paragraph. Less than ten days later my ring was in my hands, delivered to me in a beautiful box.
4. Would I do it again?
Ummm…yes please?! I already want to. I’m brainstorming ideas for an addition to my wedding ring as a way to celebrate my 15 year wedding anniversary coming up next year. Luvari was great to work worth. My ring is stunning. It is an piece of jewelry I will cherish forever. Someday it will be an heirloom piece my four daughters will fight over.
It’s that good.
So spread the word and tell you friends who may be looking for an engagement ring or special anniversary gift to check out Luvari. You can CLICK HERE to check out Luvari’s website and start your own design today! Heck, why not TEXT to get a quote and a free design?! For a limited time Luvari is offering all of my readers a $100 Visa gift card when you buy a custom jewelry piece on their site with this link- CLICK HERE.
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