We had to do it again! The kid shuffle. The moving of rooms to make room for our newest bundle! It’s a love/hate kinda thing. I love it cuz I LOVE to decorate rooms and I hate it because it creates more work. AND! There’s always a huge mess of stuff to go through when you move kids around. Which in a way is a blessing, cuz you get to go through things. You get to toss some stuff and get a chance to organize better.
Which brings me to what I want to talk to you about today! Styling kids rooms and what I feel is a key factor when doing so. ONE WORD: STORAGE! Every kids space should have storage spaces for every little thing. The old phrase “A home for everything and everything in its place.” Rings loud and clear in a child’s room. If there is no storage or it’s not marked clearly for the child; to the floor it will go and it will stay. “IT” being clothes, toys, books, ALL THE FREAK’N things. Ya with me?!
So After you know what you want your child’s room to look like, the theme or style, go get storage to match that first! Then as you are decorating you can be organizing at the same time.
For the new shared room that my two oldest girls will be sharing I wanted to find a fun balance in style. Something cute for my 6 year old and trendy/fun for my 11 year old. It needed to be a good mix that they would both enjoy. I settled on “Bright Boho” This style is eclectic and happy, the perfect style for a shared room. I mixed metal baskets, bamboo baskets, white, blue, and clear storage items!
Another tip for a neat and tiddy kids room is to use Beddy’s bedding. It’s zipper bedding that makes is SUPER easy for your child to make their bed everyday. It’s kinda like a sleeping bag that wraps around your child’s mattress. Here is a link to my review on those and a link to their site to check them out. Click HERE.
I love the new Boho linen style Beddy’s that just came out. The colorful throws and pillows are from Beddy’s too. You use coupon code PAINT20 for 20% off their website. Click HERE to see all the different colors and styles they offer.
When styling a kids space LAYER items in the room. The window treaments, rugs, blankets on blankets, throw pillows, garlands. You can have SO much fun in a kids space. So go a little wild and layer. I mean there is always a balancing act that needs to be made. Unless you are a minimalist, layering can help a space look finished and cozy.
This Hemnes 8 drawer dresser from Ikea is also great for a shared room. The drawers are nice and deep and it is perfect for splitting into two sides for each kid. I changed out the black metal knobs it came with to teal glass knobs from Hobby Lobby to add a pop of color.
I have found that Ikea, Hobby Lobby, and Home Goods have been my best sources for affordable storage items.
I also went with beds that have drawers too. I am trying to maximize my spaces the best I can! And can we talk about this rug for a hot minute? I scared to vaccum it hahaha! But it’s SOO stink’n cute. Most of the time I try really hard to only buy things that are realistic, functional, durable, and cute. Occasionally however I gotta add a something that might not check all four of those boxes. Ninety percent however does and needs to… or I’d go crazy. Kids are hard on things!!
In every room I do for kids I always ALWAYS add a bookcase. Kids NEED to read and if we have a place for books to be easy to get to and in view our chances will be better that they pick up a book and get to it! And children’s books almost always have bright beautiful covers. They make great art work to display. I found these fun acrylic shelves on Amazon that are functional and pretty. You can find them HERE. I bought the 36 inch ones for this room, but they also come in 16.5 inches long and 24 inches long. They stick out from the wall about 4 inches.
Fake plants on them are from Ikea and Hobby Lobby. Both stores have a great selection of fake plants. I might go back and get a few more for these shelves.
The rug in this room is from RUGS USA. Here is a link directly to it- CLICK HERE. It is called Cliffside Braids on Jute.
The llama wall tapestry is from Society6. You can find it by clicking HERE. And the wall paper is from Walls Need Love.
If you have any other questions about this room please comment below and I will try to answer back ASAP!
I absolutely love how this turned out! I have two similar aged girls sharing a room, it’s so fun. Where is you light from? It’s the perfect addition to the room.
Thank you! And it was a lucky thrifted find.
Where did you get the bed frames from?
Pottery Barn
Would you be able to update the link for the llama poster? It’s so good!